Brighton & Hove Reform Synagogue

Brighton & Hove Reform Synagogue
Our community was formed in 1955 by a group of people wishing to establish a Reform community in Brighton and Hove. Led by our founding Rabbi Erwin Rosenblum z”l (1956 to 1984), the community located a suitable site for a Synagogue and starting building in July 1966. On 10 September 1967, the Service of Consecration took place, and the Synagogue was ready for Services – just in time for High Holy Days.
One of the treasures and glories of the Synagogue is the stained glass windows and doors to the Ark, including the ram, Jacob’s ladder, and the water gushing from the rock. It also included reminders of our more recent, tragic history – a menorah and broken barbed wire, referencing the imprisonment of the Jews by the Nazis. Since those early years, the Synagogue and Reform community has grown from strength to strength. With current Rabbi, Dr Andrea Zanardo PhD joining us in 2012.
Under the leadership of Rabbi Andrea the Synagogue has flourished, and now boasts a membership of almost 500. For families we have a busy parents and toddlers ‘Kuddle Up’ Shabbat Group, a thriving Cheder, with around 50 children enrolled, a strong B’nei Mitzvah programme and a Youth programme. We also have a Book Club, Study groups, Welfare Team, Women’s group and lots more.

Our Cheder is more than just a Sunday school. It’s a community, a place for a child to make friends with other Jewish children and to experience Judaism in a positive light. We welcome children aged 3-13 years. Classes from Gan (nursery) through B’nei Mitzvah programme develop a stimulating curriculum emphasising Hebrew and a modern vision of Judaism, yet connected to our tradition.
Our B’nei Mitzvah programme is designed to develop and nurture each child’s Jewish journey, as well as to meet the core learning aims of the Cheder.
Cheder runs each term on a Sunday from 9.50 - 12.30.
For details please contact the Cheder office at chederbhrs@bh-rs.org or via the office on 01273 735343.
At BHRS we encourage members of all ages and backgrounds to participate in our warm, friendly and welcoming community to:
Foster an environment where every individual finds their own personal, meaningful relationship with Jewish culture, heritage, religion and learning.
Embrace equality, inclusion and accessibility for everyone, irrespective of gender, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age or marital status.
Maintain an ethos and practice of care, respect and support for each other through life’s journey of joys and sorrows.
Pray at our services, which are both traditional and egalitarian, including congregational singing and participation
Provide a strong and vibrant community that supports children and young people to develop their own personal Jewish identity
Strengthen our social, educational, religious, cultural and charitable activities for families, children and individuals - both for members and the wider community.
Work together as a collaborative partnership of our Rabbi, all other staff, lay leaders and members for the good of our Synagogue, the individuals within it and the local community.

We have an active Welfare group who offer a valuable support network to those in times of trouble. Over 45% of our membership are over 70, some are not in the best of health, many living alone, and rely on the Synagogue as their life line.
Our welfare team volunteers contact these members on a regular basis, as well as co-ordinating hospital visits and offering bereavement support.
We have our own Judaica shop at the Synagogue, selling a range of items such as kippot, tallit, mezuzot, candles, siddurim, kiddush cups, candle sticks, greeting cards and Judaica and napkins for the Chagim.
If we don't have what you want in stock, we can order it!
Open during office hours or at Cheder (by arrangement).
Support the Synagogue by buying your Judaica at BHRS.

Rabbi teaches regular adult study related activities where he leads Shiurim (study sessions) on a variety of Talmudic and contemporary subjects. These usually take place before the Shabbat morning service. Knowledge of Hebrew is not necessary and classes can be joined at any time.
Topics vary but food is always available!